Monday, February 7, 2011

Honeybear Lane to do list

So there is a lot of resolutions that were made a month ago and already forgotten. Honeybear Lane wrote something that really touched me.
I total side note: I love her blog
See her post here
She has a list of things at the end. I am going for it to the best of my ability
And for those of you who don't really like making New Year's Resolutions, I challenge you to accomplish ONE of the following items during 2011:
1. Touch your toes (without bending knees!)-done
2. Bake a loaf of bread from scratch.-done
3. Write a short story.
4. Call your mother.-can't do this one because Mom passed 4 years ago
5. Make a baby.- Don't know how husband will like this one. last pg was a rough one
6. Run a mile without stopping.
7. Meet your neighbors.
8. Organize your medicine cabinet.
9. Take one piano lesson.
10. Read a book by Charles Dickens.
11. Take a trip to a state you've never visited.
12. Learn to sew.
13. Get a too-small pair of pants to zip up.
14. Ask your husband "How was your day?" right when he gets home.
15. Share your testimony of God with someone.
16. Feed some ducks.-done
17. Learn how to make pie crust.-I already can do this
18. Write a poem.
19. Buy something red to wear.
20. Forgive yourself of something.

What can you accomplish????

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Connor's Cowboy Party

I'm thinking that after being buried in this snow that I should post some pictures from a time, not to long ago, that we were all outside enjoying the perfect fall weather here in New England. I have to say, this was one of the easiest and most fun party that we have ever had.
So without further adu

The Birthday Boy

So we had
-cowboy hats, sheriff badges, and bandanas on arrival
-tractor wagon rides
-relay races including hay bales, potato sacks, (hobby) horse riding, and leave pile jumping
-smores and hot dogs in the fire pit
-tacos for meal (bday boys favorite food)
-pinata with cowboys and indians inside (should have taken a pic sorry)
-Cowboy cookie mix to go
-and fun, fun, fun