Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Blog baby needs to...well, blog

So I know I need to stop around here more often. Unfortunately every time I think about it I get sucked into the blog bliss of the blogs that I love to read. Then I come back here and draw a complete blank.
I have been very busy listing in the shop and on EBAY. Check me out when you have time
I am listing a lot of Halloween outfits and working on some Christmas outfits here as well.

The little buggers (aka Prince and Bear) are keeping me on my toes too! In other words...when does school start again? Next week? Oh AMEN! I love my boys. I love them with all of my heart. However, the 3.5 year old is teaching the 22 month old things that I'd rather he didn't. That coupled with the fact that I am trying to spend more time on my business is not a good combination if you know what I mean.

Well, I am off to feed the little cherubs!